Saturday, March 6, 2010

o u r d a y !

MSU had an event, not too important, but still, one of d big event of the year, from FBMP. we had our 1MALAYSIAN day~ it was tooooooooooo tired. but...
we had so much fun.. :) we got known each other deeply. and we spent our time together with prepared the hampers, presents, goodies bags, foods, decorations, GOSSIPING etc. ;) hehe! we r from cohort JULY08, seriously worked hard to make this event successfully as other expected. they put higher expectation on our this little event in our own mind. but... as time goes by, this event, were spread quickly and everyone knows! as usual, there must be a bad mouth on our place. and yes, she is d one! that sabahan or sarawakian girl. eewwwwhhhhhhhhh!! disgusting! forget bout that! she's not anyone for us. and we DONT CARE at all.. coz we are stick together forever. :)
p/s : i love u guys! seriously love u damn much! xoxo, qaseh~~

this is our cohort. just a bit.
but..not all of us here.
still, our lovely syiera, not here.


  1. sgt terasa ketiadaan anda~~~ T__T

  2. babe.saye rindu kamu..lambatnye ari jumaat..mau ketemu kamu..:(

  3. saya juga~~~
    sunyi je kan if xjumpe...huhu..
    nmpk sgt sy suke bising! :D hahaha
